Motivation serves as a guiding force for all human behaviour. It is the desire to act in service of a goal and it is what causes you to act. It is also used to describe why a person does something.
Extrinsic Motivation
These are the motivations that arise from outside of you. e.g. Money, social recognition, praise
Intrinsic Motivation
And these are those motivations that arise from inside of you. e.g. A desire to lose weight.
There are 3 major components of motivation:
Activation – which involves the decision to initiate a behaviour
Persistence – this is the continued effort towards the goal
Intensity – this is the concentration and vigour applied to achieving your goal
And that’s motivation. The thing to focus on here is the goal, is it worth pursuing? If it is not, you will quickly lose persistence when trouble or obstacles come. Who activated the decision, was it something you came to or was there an outside force?
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