Introduction Hosea 11 is a powerful passage that reveals God’s deep love and sorrow for His people. It’s a love story, a story of betrayal, and ultimately, a story of unwavering grace. It speaks to us today just as it did to the Israelites centuries ago. Reading: Hosea 11:1-11 (Read aloud or individually) Discussion & […]
Hosea 6: Restoration
Introduction Hosea was a prophet who spoke to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during a time of great spiritual unfaithfulness. They had turned away from God and were worshipping idols. Hosea’s message is tough but full of hope and God’s unwavering love. Key Passage “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us […]
Bible Study: Becoming a Cherished Child of God
Introduction What does it mean to be a child of God? It’s more than just believing in God; it’s about entering into a loving relationship with Him as our Father. This study will explore what it means to become a child of God, how we can connect with Him through prayer and worship, and what […]
Psalm 1: The Two Paths
Psalm 1 is like a map showing us two very different paths in life. It’s short, but packs a powerful message. It starts by describing someone who’s truly blessed. Think about it: who are the “wicked,” “sinners,” and “mockers” in our world today? They might be the people who constantly put others down, spread negativity […]
Hidden in Plain Sight: Exploring “I Know Places” and Finding Biblical Parallels
Taylor Swift’s “I Know Places” from her 1989 album paints a vivid picture of a love under siege. It’s a thrilling, almost desperate race to find sanctuary from the ever-present eyes of the outside world. Let’s dive into the lyrics and uncover the deeper meaning, and surprisingly, some connections to age-old wisdom found in the […]
Part 2: Decoding the Symbols of Christmas
Christmas is rich in symbolism, with many traditions rooted in ancient customs and beliefs. Let’s explore some of the most iconic symbols: Why a Christmas Tree? The evergreen tree has been a symbol of life and hope in many cultures for centuries. Early Christians may have adopted the tree to symbolise eternal life through Christ. […]
A Prayer for the Continents
Africa “May Ethiopia hasten to stretch out her hands to God.” Psalm 68:31 Lord, we pray for Africa, a continent rich in diversity and beauty, yet burdened by poverty, conflict, and disease. We pray for nations experiencing war and violence, that you would bring peace and stability. We pray for those who are persecuted for […]
Collect of the Day
In Anglican services we have liturgy, as part of that liturgy we have collects. What are they and why do they exist? Just to clarify I am distinguishing “collects” from “collections”! While a collection gathers money, a “collect” gathers our thoughts and prayers into a concise, focused plea to God. They are a beautiful and […]
Dennis the Menace and the Goodness of God
Okay, so who here loves Dennis the Menace? (He is a classic British comic strip, in case you’re wondering!) There is a story about how Dennis and his pal were leaving Mrs. Brown’s house after she’d given them a biscuit? His friend was all confused, like, “Did we get a biscuit because we were good?” […]
Finding Rest in His Strength: A Meditation on Psalm 3:5
Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Let the worries of the day melt away as you turn your focus to the words of Psalm 3:5: “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.” This simple verse holds a profound truth: our ability to rest, to sleep, to wake refreshed, is a […]
Life is definitely more than just fun, isn’t it? 🤔
It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of happiness, but what does that really mean? Is it that fleeting feeling of joy from a chocolate bar (though let’s be honest, chocolate is pretty amazing!), a fancy holiday, or a fat bank account? While those things can bring temporary pleasure, true fulfilment often lies […]
Taste and See
Psalm 34:8 – Why don’t you experience God’s goodness and see how amazing it is!” “Taste and see that the LORD is good!” Imagine your favourite food ever. Maybe it’s pizza, or those super sour gummy sweets, or a perfectly ripe mango. You know how good it is because you’ve tasted it, right? This verse […]