Ever heard the saying “You’re the salt of the earth”? Jesus actually said that about his followers! He also called us to be the light of the world. But what does that even mean? And how can we, like, actually do that? Let’s check out what Jesus said in Matthew 5:13-16: “You are the salt […]
Lost Season One: A Christian Perspective
Lost, the TV series that captivated audiences with its mystery and complex characters, offers a unique lens through which to explore questions of faith, doubt, and the human condition. From a Christian perspective, Season One presents both intriguing parallels and thought-provoking challenges. Challenges and Questions Biblical References and Life Issues Conclusion Lost Season One offers […]
Unlocking the Power of Prayer: A Guide to Connecting with God
Prayer is a powerful tool, a direct line to the Creator of the Universe. It’s a conversation with the One who loves you unconditionally, knows you intimately, and desires a deep relationship with you. Whether you’re a seasoned prayer warrior or just starting your journey, this post will equip you to pray with confidence and […]
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For thine is […]
Reframing Riches: Unveiling Jesus’ Radical Take on Wealth and Possessions
In a world obsessed with material wealth, Jesus’ teachings on money and possessions can feel jarring, even counter-intuitive. Did He truly advocate for poverty or was there a deeper message woven into His words? Let’s dive into the Scriptures, challenge our preconceptions, and uncover the transformative perspective Jesus offers on wealth. The Camel and the […]
How does faith in the gospel of Christ actually lead to a change in real life?
In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, the gospel of Jesus Christ offers a message of hope, redemption, and transformation. But how does faith in this gospel translate into tangible change in our everyday lives? Let’s explore some key ways. A Renewed Perspective At its core, the gospel message proclaims that we are […]
27. Biblical stories where Jesus met people where they were
How can these stories inform our detached youth work? Christian detached youth work, an approach where workers meet young people on their own ground, such as parks, streets, and community venues, shares a strong parallel with the way Jesus interacted with people in the Bible. Here are several pertinent stories from the New Testament and […]
21. Scriptural Underpinnings for Engaging with Youth Outside Church Walls
Engaging with youth outside the church walls is not just an extracurricular activity for the faithful; it is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. The scriptures provide a strong foundation for why Christians should reach out to the younger generation wherever they may be. Here are some foundational scriptures that support the engagement […]
12. Jesus as a model for detached youth work
For those working in detached youth work, the model of Jesus can provide significant insights and guidance. Engaging with the Marginalised One of the most striking aspects of Jesus’s ministry was his focus on the marginalised. He often reached out to those who were excluded or considered outcasts in society. Detached youth workers can take […]
1. The importance of outreach in the Christian faith
Over the next few weeks I will attempt to construct a Biblical framework around detached youth work and it’s importance for the church today. I have been a youth worker for over 35 years and a lot of that time has been spent detached. I now encourage you to consider this approach to reaching out […]
A Father’s Love, Reflected in a Tiny Sparrow
Commentary on Matthew 10:29-31 In this passage, Jesus comforts his disciples who are about to embark on a challenging mission of preaching the gospel. He reminds them of God’s providential care, even for the seemingly insignificant creatures like sparrows. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Sparrows were among the cheapest birds sold in […]
The word “Teleios” (τέλειος in Greek) carries profound implications for spiritual growth and maturity. Complete and Mature Perfect and Blameless Whole and Complete Biblical Examples In conclusion, Teleios is a rich and multifaceted concept in Christian theology. It represents a journey of spiritual growth, a pursuit of moral perfection, and a longing for wholeness and […]