Unpacking John 10:10 Ever feel like life is just…meh? Like you’re going through the motions, but something’s missing? Well, Jesus has something to say about that! In John 10:10, he drops a truth bomb that can totally change your perspective on life. The Verse “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I […]
Collect of the Day
In Anglican services we have liturgy, as part of that liturgy we have collects. What are they and why do they exist? Just to clarify I am distinguishing “collects” from “collections”! While a collection gathers money, a “collect” gathers our thoughts and prayers into a concise, focused plea to God. They are a beautiful and […]
Is Jesus the Hero in Your Story?
We all love a good hero story. The kind where the underdog triumphs, the helpless are rescued, and good conquers evil. But what if I told you the greatest hero story ever told isn’t fiction? It’s happening right now, and you can be a part of it. Jesus: The Ultimate Hero Throughout the Bible, Jesus […]
John 3:16-18
These verses are like a treasure chest, packed with amazing truths about God’s love and our salvation. 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn […]
27. Biblical stories where Jesus met people where they were
How can these stories inform our detached youth work? Christian detached youth work, an approach where workers meet young people on their own ground, such as parks, streets, and community venues, shares a strong parallel with the way Jesus interacted with people in the Bible. Here are several pertinent stories from the New Testament and […]
12. Jesus as a model for detached youth work
For those working in detached youth work, the model of Jesus can provide significant insights and guidance. Engaging with the Marginalised One of the most striking aspects of Jesus’s ministry was his focus on the marginalised. He often reached out to those who were excluded or considered outcasts in society. Detached youth workers can take […]
John 3:16-18: The Way to Become a Christian
16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in […]
5. Meeting Young People on the Streets: A Theological Framework
Why do we do this again… It is a good question to keep asking yourself. Introduction When we venture to meet young people on the streets, we are engaging with a tapestry of stories, experiences, and potential that is both varied and vibrant. This engagement demands a theological framework that is rooted in understanding, compassion, […]
1. The importance of outreach in the Christian faith
Over the next few weeks I will attempt to construct a Biblical framework around detached youth work and it’s importance for the church today. I have been a youth worker for over 35 years and a lot of that time has been spent detached. I now encourage you to consider this approach to reaching out […]
The word “Theos” (θεός in Greek) is of paramount importance, carrying profound theological significance. The Supreme Being Triune God Usage in Worship and Prayer Distinguishing True God from False Gods In summary, Theos is a foundational word in Christian theology, representing the one true God, His divine nature, and His triune existence. It is used […]
Jesus is God and Man
John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, holds profound significance in revealing the dual nature of Jesus as both God and man: Jesus as Man: Jesus as God: Theological Significance: The verse encapsulates the central Christian belief in the Incarnation: God becoming fully human while remaining fully divine. Jesus’s tears serve as a bridge […]
The Wedding at Cana: A Glimpse into Jesus’ Divine Timing
The wedding at Cana marks a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry, where he performs his first public miracle—turning water into wine. However, before this miraculous act, a fascinating exchange occurs between Jesus and his mother, Mary. Mary approaches Jesus, aware that the wine has run out, and seemingly suggests that he do something about it. […]