Introduction What does it mean to be a child of God? It’s more than just believing in God; it’s about entering into a loving relationship with Him as our Father. This study will explore what it means to become a child of God, how we can connect with Him through prayer and worship, and what […]
“Hallowed Be Thy Name” – A Reflection on Reverence and Worship
In the Lord’s Prayer, the phrase “hallowed be thy name” stands as a powerful declaration of reverence and devotion to God. It is a plea for His name to be held in highest esteem, honoured and glorified in every aspect of our lives. The word “hallowed” means to make holy, to set apart as sacred. […]
“Our Father in Heaven” – A Reflection on the Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer, a timeless model for Christian prayer, begins with a profound invocation: “Our Father in heaven.” These simple words hold deep significance, revealing the nature of our relationship with God and setting the tone for the entire prayer. Addressing God as “Father” signifies an intimate and personal connection. It reminds us that we […]
A Father’s Love, Reflected in a Tiny Sparrow
Commentary on Matthew 10:29-31 In this passage, Jesus comforts his disciples who are about to embark on a challenging mission of preaching the gospel. He reminds them of God’s providential care, even for the seemingly insignificant creatures like sparrows. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Sparrows were among the cheapest birds sold in […]
A Father’s Love, Reflected in a Tiny Sparrow
The sparrow, a seemingly insignificant bird, holds a profound message about God’s love for us, His children. In its humble existence, we find reflections of a Father’s care, provision, and unwavering affection. Like a sparrow diligently gathering food for its young, our Heavenly Father tirelessly provides for our needs. He knows our every desire, our […]
A Father’s Love, Reflected in a Sparrow
The sparrow, a tiny creature often overlooked, holds a profound message about fatherly love. With its tireless devotion to its young, it embodies the essence of paternal care and sacrifice. The sparrow’s unwavering commitment to its offspring serves as a reminder of a father’s unconditional love. It demonstrates the lengths a parent will go to […]