May the peace of the dawn be upon you, O beloved,
as the sun rises and paints the sky with hues of hope.
May God be with you in each step you take in the sunlight,
guiding your path and illuminating your way.
May the strength of the midday sun fill you, O cherished one,
as you journey through the heart of the day.
May God be with you in each step you take in the sun’s warmth, empowering you for every task and strengthening your resolve.
May the gentleness of the setting sun embrace you, O dear one, as the day draws to a close and shadows lengthen. May God be with you in each step you take in the fading light, bringing you rest and renewal for the journey ahead.
May God be with you in every step,
in the sun and in the rain,
in the joy and in the tears,
in the light and in the darkness.
May God be with you from sun up to sun set,
a constant presence in every moment of your day. May the blessing of the Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.
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