Think about your closest friends. What makes them so special? Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a relative is born to help in adversity.” That’s a powerful description of true friendship! It’s not just about having someone to hang out with when things are good; it’s about having someone who’s there for you always, especially when things get tough.
Real friends don’t disappear when you’re going through a hard time. They’re the ones who listen without judgement, offer support, and stick by your side no matter what. They’re like family, even if you’re not related. They celebrate your wins and help you through your losses.
As young people, we all face challenges. It’s so important to have those solid friendships, people we can rely on. And it’s also important to be that kind of friend to others. Let’s strive to be the kind of friend who loves at all times, who’s there to help in adversity.
Jesus, thank you for being the ultimate friend. Help me to be a true friend to others, someone who loves unconditionally and offers support when needed. Show me how I can be there for my friends, just like you are always there for me. Amen.
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