Verse 11: “This is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him.”
What does this mean for us? It’s about identifying with Jesus. When we choose to follow Him, it’s like we’re saying, “I’m letting go of my old self, my old way of living, and I’m choosing to live in a way that honours Him.” It’s a powerful reminder that our faith is not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life.
Verse 12a: “If we endure, we will also reign with him.”
This verse encourages us to persevere through tough times. Life can be really challenging, but the promise here is that if we stay strong in our faith, we’ll not only experience a deeper connection with Jesus, but we’ll also be part of something bigger. We’re called to be leaders, to influence our world for the better.
Verse 12b: “If we disown him, he will also disown us.”
This part is a serious reminder. It’s saying that if we turn our back on Jesus, if we deny Him or pretend we don’t know Him, we’re essentially rejecting the very source of our faith and hope. It’s a stark warning against hypocrisy and shallow faith.
Verse 13: “if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”
This is a message of incredible comfort. Even when we struggle with doubts, or when we mess up, God’s faithfulness doesn’t waver. He’s always there, ready to forgive and guide us back onto the right path.
We’re called to live out our faith, to endure through tough times, and to stay true to Jesus. And even when we stumble, God’s faithfulness never falters.
Remember, being a follower of Jesus isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.
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