Ever been in a situation where someone’s rude to you, or maybe even does something hurtful? It’s so tempting to fire back, right? Give them a taste of their own medicine. But 1 Peter 3:9 throws away at that kind of thinking. It says, “Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others, because you were called to inherit a blessing.”
Instead of getting even, we’re called to bless? That’s a whole different level. It’s not easy, especially when you feel like you’ve been wronged. But think about it: when we choose to respond with kindness and blessing, even when it’s hard, we’re actually stepping into the blessing God has for us. It’s like we’re saying, “I’m not going to let someone else’s negativity control me. I’m choosing a different path.” This is how we walk like Jesus. He faced way worse than we ever will, and His response was always love.
So, next time you’re tempted to snap back, remember 1 Peter 3:9. Take a deep breath, and try to respond with kindness and blessing. It might just change the whole situation, and it will definitely change you.
Let’s pray: Jesus, help us to live out 1 Peter 3:9. When we face negativity, help us to choose blessing instead of retaliation. Give us the strength to respond with kindness, even when it’s difficult. Thank you for the blessing you’ve called us to inherit. Amen.
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