Nugget (Rhode Rock) and Bluebelle (Bluebelle Pullet)Drinking from the bucketThe Nesting box aka Ben Eggy’s OfficeBen Eggy (White Star Pullet)One of the twins (Speckledy) Sue or OliThe Twins (Speckledy) Sue and OliThe Twins (Speckledy) Sue and OliThe Twins (Speckledy) Sue and OliSam ‘n Emma (Splash Pullet)Ben Eggy (White Star Pullet)One of the twins (Speckledy) Sue or OliNugget (Rhode Rock)Sam ‘n Emma (Splash Pullet)Meet Ben Eggy, Sam ‘n Emma, Nugget, Bluebelle and The Twins, Sue and Oli
Some of the photos were taken by Izzy a student of Fowey River Academy.
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