Monday (24th) Prayer and prep, also email from Transformation Cornwall (Jane Yeomans) asking if she can share “our story” as a case study with her Trustees. Reading up on other models of “church”. Wednesday (26th) Anna all day with Lerryn school at Braddock Church. In the afternoon we went to the Deanery youth and Children’s […]
Week 9
Monday (17th) Prayer, prayer, prayer and working on website. Tuesday (18th) Study and prayer. Anna spoke to a young person about possibly singing at tea and toast and another one about her operation tomorrow. and in the evening Anna went on a safeguarding course. Wednesday (19th) -am brief meeting with Gamechangers at eden re: young […]
Week 7
Tuesday (4th) Prep plus, meeting with line manager Wednesday (5th) Enquiries about canoeing trip September. Thursday (6th) God group plus prep. Paul Collley – Rural Dean came (as much to check out what we did as to speak to us). Friday (7th) Cancelled youth club due to weather and Royal Cornwall. Also sent out invites […]
Week 6
Monday (27th) Text and instagram messages with young people desperate to camp somewhere over half term. Tentatively planned weds eve. Tuesday (28th) Rich very unwell so cancelled camping trip…. Wednesday (29th) am meeting with Chris Richmond (the Gambia Education Project) re: possible trip to Gambia and child sponsorship. Outcomes: He will come and talk to […]
Week 5
Monday (20th) Lunchtime meeting about admin (consent forms, website, Diary etc). Tuesday (21st) am Communication/ hopefully encouragement with young leader and young person about things happening in their lives. (Charlie MacKesseys instagram for the win again. Tea and toast prep. Wednesday (22nd) pm Contact form on website ironing out issues, plus touched base with Chris […]
Leaders Meeting
Present – Anna, Alfie, Jack, Rich Happy with the things we do but Alfie said school field preferable. Jack likes lighting fires and Anna said all good. School Field 1. Our number one aim is to get a storage container for the field. We need to raise the money to get it. Suggested we run […]
Swimming Today
What a treat we had today. We visited Hustyns today and had a very lovely swim in an amazing swimming pool. We gathered in Lerryn car park and headed out across some snowy roads, thankfully now some what clearer, pass the village of Withiel (we live in Lostwithiel) and arrived at Hustyns. It is fantastic. […]
It makes a difference for this one
I have always tried to work with people rather than numbers. Some funding requirements nowadays push for numbers, I believe we need to push for quality rather than quantity. In this respect I thought I would share with you a story: Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to […]
In Praise of Teenagers
Why are we so down on teenagers. A while ago, I saw a man in his 70’s drunk, being abusive and hating on people. So, do I now parade around town asking, “What am I going to do about all these 70 year old people?” You laugh and you can see the ridiculous nature of […]
The Importance of Listening
I cannot stress the importance of detached youth work. I am sad that this important role has been lost and I feel society has become a lot shallower because of it. Issues and concerns surrounding isolation, access to good public transport, deprivation and resilience, along with caring responsibilities become evident through the “one to one” […]
the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. When it comes to working with young people, empowerment becomes an attitude all youth workers must adopt. The way we engage with young people should ensure that our working practice is always working towards young people taking control […]
A Challenge to Men
Don’t forget Peter Pan. Not a boy who never grew up but a boy who understood the importance of play. “A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.” ― Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Roald Dahl sums it up perfectly. To play is to just get stuck in […]