In this passage, Jesus shares a parable about a fig tree to illustrate an important lesson about the end times and the importance of staying alert. The Fig Tree Parable Jesus says, “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer […]
Mark 13:24-27: A Glimpse into the Future
In Mark 13:24-27, Jesus paints a vivid picture of events that will occur before his return. It’s a passage that can be both fascinating and a little unsettling, but it offers valuable insights for young Christians today. What Did Jesus Say? Jesus describes a time of cosmic upheaval: “The sun will be darkened, and the […]
Mark 13:14-23: When the World Seems Upside Down
In this passage, Jesus paints a picture of a future time of great turmoil and upheaval. It’s a scenario that might sound a bit scary, but it’s important to understand the message Jesus is conveying to his disciples – and to us. What Did Jesus Say? Jesus warns about a time when the temple will […]
Mark 13:9-13: Facing Persecution with Courage and Faith
In this passage, Jesus prepares his disciples for the difficult times ahead, warning them about the persecution they will face for their faith. What Did Jesus Say? Jesus told his disciples that they would be handed over to authorities, beaten in synagogues, brought before rulers and kings, and forced to testify about their faith. He […]
Mark 13:3-8: Don’t Be Deceived, But Don’t Panic Either
This passage in Mark’s Gospel is like a sneak peek into the future, a future that sounds a bit scary. Jesus is hanging out with his disciples on the Mount of Olives, and they start asking him questions about the end of the world. Jesus doesn’t make things good – he tells them it’s going […]
Mark 13:1-2: The Beginning of the End?
What’s Happening In this passage, Jesus and his disciples are leaving the temple in Jerusalem. One of the disciples remarks on how impressive the temple buildings are. Jesus responds with a surprising statement: “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” Why This Matters This passage might seem […]
Mark 12:41-44: The Widow’s Offering: A Lesson in True Sacrifice
In this passage, Jesus teaches a powerful lesson about giving and sacrifice. What Happened? Jesus was sitting near the temple treasury, watching people put their offerings into the collection box. Many rich people came and gave large amounts of money. Then, a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, worth only a […]
Mark 12:38-40: The Warning Against Showy Religion
In this passage, Jesus issues a strong warning against religious hypocrisy, specifically targeting the scribes of his time. What Happened? Jesus observed the scribes’ behaviour and noticed their love for public recognition and displays of piety. They enjoyed wearing long robes, receiving greetings in the marketplaces, and occupying prominent seats in synagogues and at feasts. […]
Mark 12:35-37: Jesus, the Messiah, and King David – A Mind-Blowing Revelation
In these verses, Jesus drops a truth bomb that challenges the common understanding of who the Messiah is. Let’s dive in and explore this fascinating exchange. The Scene Jesus is teaching in the temple when he poses a question to the religious experts (scribes). He asks, “How can the Messiah be the son of David […]
Mark 12:28-34: A Lesson in Love
In this passage, we encounter Jesus having a conversation with a teacher of the law. This teacher asks Jesus a simple yet profound question: “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus responds by summarising the entirety of God’s law into two core commands: Why is this Important? These two commands are the foundation […]
Mark 12:18-27: Resurrection and Relationships – A Mind-Blowing Conversation
The Scene Jesus has just debated with the Sadducees, a religious group who didn’t believe in resurrection. They presented a riddle about a woman who married seven brothers in succession – who would be her husband in the afterlife? Jesus’ Response Jesus doesn’t get caught up in their trick question. Instead, He corrects their understanding […]
Mark 12:13-17: Navigating tricky questions with wisdom
In this passage, Jesus finds himself in a tricky situation. Religious leaders, trying to trap him, ask a seemingly impossible question about paying taxes to Caesar. Their goal? To make Jesus look bad no matter how he answered. But Jesus, with his wisdom, turns the tables on them. What happened? The Pharisees and Herodians, two […]