Walls rise from the dust,Exiles home, God’s word restored,New hope, ancient scroll.
The Sticky Web of Lies: Living a Life of Truth
Hey everyone, I am continuing my series on the 3 L’s of life. Today is lies. We all know lying is wrong, right? It’s one of those things we learn from a young age. But sometimes, it’s easy to think of lying as just telling a little white lie, or maybe stretching the truth a […]
1 and 2 Chronicles Haiku
History unfolds,Kings and temple, praise and sin,God’s enduring line.
Life Tough read Psalm 59
Ever feel like life’s throwing you difficulties? Like you’re stuck in a loop, or things are just plain tough? That’s when Psalm 59:16 hits home for me: “As for me, I will sing about your strength; I will praise your loyal love in the morning. For you are my refuge and my place of shelter […]
1 and 2 Kings Haiku
Crowns rise, then they fall,Prophets speak, kingdoms divide,God’s word echoes still.
1 and 2 Samuel Haiku
Kings rise, then they fall,Faith and flaws, a heavy crown,God’s choice, ever true.
Stop your striving
Ever feel like you’re constantly running, always striving, trying to keep up with everything? School, friends, family, hobbies – it can get overwhelming! Sometimes, we get so caught up in doing that we forget to just be. That’s when Psalm 46:10 hits me like a breath of fresh air: “He says, ‘Stop your striving and […]
Deuteronomy Haiku
Law etched in stone,Hearts turned to a promised land,Choose life, love, and God.
Numbers Haiku
Desert wanderings,Counting tribes, God’s law unfolds,Faith tested anew.
Judges Haiku
Cycles of despair,Judges rise, then Israel falls,God’s mercy remains.
Joshua Haiku
Walls of Jericho,Faith’s trumpet, a mighty sound,Land of promise won.
Real Friends: Always There
Think about your closest friends. What makes them so special? Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a relative is born to help in adversity.” That’s a powerful description of true friendship! It’s not just about having someone to hang out with when things are good; it’s about having someone who’s there […]