Trials test a soul,Faith’s deep roots in suffering,God’s wisdom unfolds.
Nehemiah Haiku
Wall stones rise anew, Faithful hands, a city’s heart, God’s work, strong and true.
Ezra Haiku
Walls rise from the dust,Exiles home, God’s word restored,New hope, ancient scroll.
The Sticky Web of Lies: Living a Life of Truth
Hey everyone, I am continuing my series on the 3 L’s of life. Today is lies. We all know lying is wrong, right? It’s one of those things we learn from a young age. But sometimes, it’s easy to think of lying as just telling a little white lie, or maybe stretching the truth a […]
1 and 2 Chronicles Haiku
History unfolds,Kings and temple, praise and sin,God’s enduring line.
Life Tough read Psalm 59
Ever feel like life’s throwing you difficulties? Like you’re stuck in a loop, or things are just plain tough? That’s when Psalm 59:16 hits home for me: “As for me, I will sing about your strength; I will praise your loyal love in the morning. For you are my refuge and my place of shelter […]
1 and 2 Kings Haiku
Crowns rise, then they fall,Prophets speak, kingdoms divide,God’s word echoes still.
1 and 2 Samuel Haiku
Kings rise, then they fall,Faith and flaws, a heavy crown,God’s choice, ever true.
Stop your striving
Ever feel like you’re constantly running, always striving, trying to keep up with everything? School, friends, family, hobbies – it can get overwhelming! Sometimes, we get so caught up in doing that we forget to just be. That’s when Psalm 46:10 hits me like a breath of fresh air: “He says, ‘Stop your striving and […]
Deuteronomy Haiku
Law etched in stone,Hearts turned to a promised land,Choose life, love, and God.
Numbers Haiku
Desert wanderings,Counting tribes, God’s law unfolds,Faith tested anew.
Judges Haiku
Cycles of despair,Judges rise, then Israel falls,God’s mercy remains.