“Storge” (pronounced stor-JAY) refers to the natural love and affection shared within a family. It’s the bond between parents and children, siblings, and extended family members. This type of love is often characterised by: While the word “storge” itself is not found in the Bible, the concept of familial love is deeply ingrained in Christian […]
The word “ashamed” holds a profound meaning that encompasses both negative and positive aspects. Negative Connotation Positive Connotation Redemption from Shame The Christian faith offers the hope of redemption from shame through the finished work of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the cross covers our sin and shame, allowing us to approach God with confidence […]
Propitiation refers to the appeasement of God’s wrath against sin through a sacrificial offering. It is a key concept in understanding the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. A breakdown of its meaning and significance Key Bible Verses
Romans 4 Faith
The Example of Abraham: Faith as the Basis of Justification In Romans chapter 4, Paul delves deeper into the concept of justification by faith, using Abraham as the prime example to illustrate his point. This chapter is pivotal in understanding the relationship between faith, works, and God’s grace in the process of salvation. Abraham’s Faith, […]
Romans 3:9-31 – The need for Salvation
The Universal Need for Salvation In this passage, the Apostle Paul addresses a critical theological question: Are Jews better off than Gentiles when it comes to righteousness before God? He emphatically answers, “Not at all!” (v. 9). Paul’s argument in these verses is a powerful exposition of the universal human condition of sinfulness and the […]
God’s Grace: A License to Sin? Absolutely Not!
Let’s talk about a common misunderstanding when it comes to God’s forgiveness: the idea that because God is loving and forgiving, we can do whatever we want and still expect a free pass. It’s like saying, “Well, I know God will forgive me anyway, so why not indulge in those little sins?” This perspective is […]
Romans 3:1-8 Paul tackles some big questions about faith, God’s promises, and human nature
What’s the Big Deal About Being Jewish? Paul starts by asking, “What advantage then has the Jew?” He’s addressing a common thought at the time: that being Jewish automatically gave you a special status with God. After all, they had God’s law, the promises, and a rich history of faith. But Paul points out that […]
Romans 2:17-29
a section that might seem a bit harsh at first glance but holds some important truths for us today A Mirror for the Religious In these verses, Paul specifically addresses those who identify as Jews and rely on their religious heritage and knowledge of God’s law. They take pride in their circumcision, a sign of […]
Romans 2:1-16, Paul addresses a tricky issue: judging others.
No One is Exempt Paul starts by saying, “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” Whoa! That’s a powerful statement. Paul is basically saying that none of us are perfect, […]
Romans 1:18-32 – Truth, consequences, and the amazing love of God
This part of Paul’s letter might seem a bit intense at first glance, but stick with me! It’s actually a really important message about truth, consequences, and the amazing love of God. God’s Anger and Human Sin Paul starts by talking about God’s anger being revealed. This doesn’t mean God is some angry, out-of-control figure. […]
Romans 1 v 16-18 – No Shame in the Gospel
Paul kicks off this section with a bold statement: “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” This isn’t just a casual comment; it’s a declaration of confidence. In Paul’s time, many people looked down on the message of Jesus. They thought it was foolish or weak. But Paul wasn’t buying it! He knew the gospel […]
Romans 1 v 8-15 – Paul’s Thankfulness and Prayers
This section gives us a glimpse into Paul’s heart and his eagerness to connect with the believers in Rome. Paul starts by expressing his gratitude for the Roman Christians. He’s heard about their strong faith, and it makes him so happy! It’s like hearing about a friend doing amazing things and feeling proud of them. […]