Ever scrolled through social media and felt that pang of envy? Seeing everyone’s cool stuff, amazing vacations, and seemingly perfect lives can make you feel like you’re missing out. But Jesus has a different perspective. In Luke 12:15, he warns us, “Watch out and guard yourself from all types of greed, because one’s life does […]
Being Generous is Like Investing in God’s Bank: Proverbs 19:17 – A Lesson in Kindness
Proverbs 19:17 says, “The one who is gracious to the poor lends to the LORD, and the LORD will repay him for his good deed.” Now that might sound a bit confusing at first, but it’s actually a really cool concept! Let’s break it down: Think about it Remember Being generous isn’t just about […]
Reframing Riches: Unveiling Jesus’ Radical Take on Wealth and Possessions
In a world obsessed with material wealth, Jesus’ teachings on money and possessions can feel jarring, even counter-intuitive. Did He truly advocate for poverty or was there a deeper message woven into His words? Let’s dive into the Scriptures, challenge our preconceptions, and uncover the transformative perspective Jesus offers on wealth. The Camel and the […]
Genesis 14: Abram’s Courage and God’s Provision
This chapter might seem like a confusing history lesson at first, filled with unfamiliar names and a war! But it actually shows us something powerful about Abram (who later becomes Abraham) and his faith in God. What Happens in Genesis 14? Why is this Important? This chapter teaches us some valuable lessons: Questions for Reflection […]
Genesis 13:1-18: A Lesson in Choosing Peace Over Possessions
This passage in Genesis tells the story of Abram (later known as Abraham) and his nephew Lot. They had become wealthy, and their possessions were so vast that their herdsmen began to quarrel. This created a tense situation, threatening their relationship and their ability to thrive. What Happened? Abram, recognising the problem, took the initiative […]
Mark 12:13-17: Navigating tricky questions with wisdom
In this passage, Jesus finds himself in a tricky situation. Religious leaders, trying to trap him, ask a seemingly impossible question about paying taxes to Caesar. Their goal? To make Jesus look bad no matter how he answered. But Jesus, with his wisdom, turns the tables on them. What happened? The Pharisees and Herodians, two […]
Mark 10:17-31: The Cost of Following Jesus
This passage in Mark’s Gospel presents a powerful encounter between Jesus and a rich young man, followed by a crucial lesson for Jesus’ disciples on the true meaning of discipleship. The Encounter A rich young man, seemingly earnest in his faith, kneels before Jesus and asks, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal […]
Mark Chapter 10 – Marriage, wealth and power
What does it truly means to follow Jesus.? Let’s unpack this chapter and see what we can learn! Scene 1: The Divorce Drama Some religious leaders try to trap Jesus by asking Him about divorce. Jesus goes beyond the surface rules and digs deep into God’s original plan for marriage – it’s meant to last! […]
Minimum Wage vs. Living Wage in the UK: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters
Navigating the world of wages can be confusing, especially with terms like “minimum wage” and “living wage” being used interchangeably. However, they are not the same, and understanding the difference is crucial for both employees and employers in the UK. Minimum Wage The minimum wage is the legal minimum that employers are required to pay […]