Hey we’re glad you landed on this page and we’re looking forward to chatting.
We’re probably hanging out somewhere – most probably in the garden…. which means we will have signal so call us on 07546 804439
and we do read emails so you could always send Rich an email to rich@gucu.org.uk
or to Anna anna.puddles@gmail.com
Thanks for your interest.
If you want to talk to us about building or hosting your website. As we work closely with you the client, we prefer to work with people locally. If you live in Cornwall or Devon then please give us a call. If you are outside of these areas, we still want to hear from you but our personal service will be harder to deliver.
We already work with a number of businesses, charities and clubs and if you require good service, backed up with an excellent product then we can help you. If you require customer testimony then please ask and we will link you with someone who you can talk to.
Thank you for visiting our site.
For more information contact Richard Brown on rich@gucu.org.uk or 07546 804439.
How can you learn more about spiders that live in the rainforest?
Answer: Check out their web site.