From “Thinking on your feet, The Prince’s Trust” Detached Youth Work is a model of youth work practice, targeted at vulnerable young people, which takes place on young people’s own territory such as streets, cafes, parks and pubs at times that are appropriate to them and on their terms. It begins from where young people […]
What does community mean to you?
I love living in Lostwithiel, I have a fantastic family and an amazing home. But I could pick my family up and move them anywhere. I could find a home in many different locations. What community means to me is this. This morning I woke up and took my dog for a walk. I saw […]
Youth Engagement – A Vision
Identify young people most at risk of disengagement Speaks for itself really. Strengthen employability This is not necessarily about equipping with skills. Young people need the discipline that comes from working. i.e. Be in work by 9, work until 5, no smoking, no swearing in work etc…. Social change We need to engage with the […]
Young People
What I try to tell young people is that if you come together with a mission, and its grounded with love and a sense of community, you can make the impossible possible. John Lewis
Off-Grid Generator
We made a grant to our Deanery Synod asking for money for a generator and video projector to help with the youth work. This is the application. To meet the physical, intellectual and spiritual needs of young people over the age of 11. To ensure young people find purpose in their lives To have fun […]
Relational Youth Work
Love God. Philippians 2 v “Even if I am poured out… Love the young people. Be real – be yourself. Be exactly that. Believe in the young people that you’re working with. Stand with the young people when they are in it. Have a laugh with the young people. (Create memories). Cry with the young people. […]
Practical Youth Work
Practical youth work activities are the heart of this youth group. These include: Short-term activities which require little planning and are a great way to encourage social interaction, such as games, arts and crafts. Longer term activities, projects and events which require more advance planning such as workshops (for example dancing, sports), trips, discos/music events, […]
Rude vs Mean vs Bullying
There is a distinction between the above behaviours: Rude Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else. They might have elements of bullying but rudeness is generally based on thoughtlessness, rude manners or narcissism, but not actually meant to hurt someone. Mean Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once or maybe twice. […]
Detached Youth Work
From “Thinking on your feet, The Prince’s Trust” Detached Youth Work is a model of youth work practice, targeted at vulnerable young people, which takes place on young people’s own territory such as streets, cafes, parks and pubs at times that are appropriate to them and on their terms. It begins from where young people […]
The four temperament types
The Four temperaments theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: Sanguine (enthusiastic, active and social) Choleric (short-tempered, fast or irritable) Melancholic (analytical, wise and quiet) Phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful) Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures of the types. Understanding your type is the start of an important journey – well it […]
John Perry Barlow’s Tips for Being a Grown Up
Here’s the late Barlow’s 25 Principles of Adult Behavior: Simply brilliant.