If you want to sell an idea, grab a few buzz words, add them to your idea and off you go. Well maybe not… but I don’t really know, I’m not a salesman! I am a youth worker and a buzz word that has appeared and gone and appeared again is ‘Relational’. Relational youth work […]
Temperament Types, Strengths and Weaknesses
Temperament broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behaviour that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes. Sanguine People with a sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have high risk tolerance. They are poor at tolerating boredom and will […]
Need an icebreaker. This is simple and can be used with a group of 8. They pick a number and then you ask the question related to that number. Start with set one and keep moving on, the questions get gradually ‘deeper’. Set One Describe what you would do on your ideal holiday? What do […]
Young People as Leaders
We need to lead young people into an active faith, with an exciting vision. Jesus’ model was to challenge and excite, “If you follow me, then I want you to do what I do. I want you to influence others and to change the communities around you.” He created disciples and if we want to […]
Youth Groups with 10 or less members
Start with who is in your hand We would all love a large youth club but rather than look for something you haven’t got, build on what you do have! Think of the parable of the talents Treasure those you’ve been entrusted with Build relationships and encourage them Invest in them And God will grow […]
Lerryn School Dugout
We have finished building the school dugout. This was built using money raised by Lerryn Youth Club.
Hart’s Ladder of Participation
Hart’s Ladder of Participation is a model that can be used when developing and working on youth participation projects. It aims to enable young people to take an active part in decision making, and give them the opportunity to have a ‘voice’ in society. Hart states there are 8 steps on the ‘Ladder of Participation” […]
Last Night on the Field
The title has two meanings: Last night we were on the field and had a lovely time. We lit a couple of fires, one to cook on and one to keep warm. It went dark very quickly and the ground was very wet so we didn’t do the running around we had done previously. Everyone, […]
Monday Night Bench Night
And we keep building. The bench has gone from a single bench to a corner bench to a corner bench with trellis and we will eventually add a roof!
Week 18
Monday (18th) Funding bid All Churches trust for Building on school field. Friday (22nd) Rich spending loads of hours on way forward as youth club and as a church. Lots of reading praying and notes made and distributed to people for comments Sunday (25th) Risk assessed waterfall trip for poss youth club outing. Rich contacted […]
A Fun Night
A laid back youth club with everyone just hanging out and chatting with a fire. And we carried on with the work on the bench – it will be finished one day!
Week 17
An eventful week: (Monday) Lads group on the field with fires and grrrr (5 lads) (Wednesday) Bumped into young person from FRA and parent who were desperate for Rich to help with the situation in school which is deteriorating for yp. (AM Friday) Planned an impromptu youth group meeting tonight. (PM Friday) Youth club fire, […]