In this short passage, we witness a critical moment in Jesus’ journey toward the cross: his trial before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. What Happened? Why is this Important? This scene highlights several key themes: What Does This Mean for Us? Study Questions for Young People
Mark 14:66-72: When Courage Fails: Peter’s Denial
This passage from Mark’s Gospel paints a heartbreaking picture of Peter, Jesus’ closest disciple, denying any association with Jesus not once, not twice, but three times. What Happened? While Jesus is being questioned inside the high priest’s house, Peter is warming himself in the courtyard below. A servant girl recognises him and accuses him of […]
Mark 14:53-65: Standing Trial: Jesus Before the High Priest
This part of Mark’s Gospel takes us right into the heart of Jesus’ trial before the religious leaders. It’s a tense scene, full of accusations and injustice. Let’s dive into what happened and what we can learn from it. What Happened? What can we learn? Questions for reflection Challenge Think about a time when you […]
Mark 14:43-52: Betrayal, Fear, and the Cost of Following Jesus
This passage in Mark’s Gospel takes us right into the heart of the drama surrounding Jesus’ arrest. It’s a scene filled with tension, betrayal, and the stark reality of what it means to follow Jesus. What Happened? Why is this Important? This passage highlights several key themes: Questions for Reflection Challenge This passage reminds us […]
Mark 14:32-42: Facing the Darkness, Finding Strength
In this passage, we witness Jesus in a moment of intense struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before his arrest and crucifixion. It’s a raw and emotional scene that offers profound insights for young people facing their own challenges. What Happened? Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with him to Gethsemane. He’s deeply distressed […]
Mark 14:27-31: When Confidence Crumbles
This passage takes place on the night before Jesus’ crucifixion. He’s having a final, intimate meal with his disciples, and the atmosphere is heavy. Jesus drops a bombshell: “You will all fall away… because it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’” (Mark 14:27). Peter’s Bold Declaration Peter, ever […]
Mark 14:22-26: A Meal with a Deeper Meaning
In this passage, we find Jesus sharing a final meal with his disciples, an event we now call the Last Supper. But this wasn’t just any meal – it was a Passover meal, filled with symbolism and significance. What Happened? As they ate, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said, “Take; this is […]
Mark 14:12-21: The Passover, Betrayal, and God’s Plan
This passage from Mark’s Gospel takes place during the Jewish festival of Passover, a time of celebration and remembrance of God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. However, amidst the festive atmosphere, we witness the unfolding of a dark plot against Jesus. What Happens? The disciples ask Jesus where they should prepare the […]
Mark 14:10-11: Betrayal and Greed: A Lesson in Loyalty and Integrity
In these verses, we encounter one of the most infamous acts of betrayal in history: Judas Iscariot’s agreement to hand Jesus over to the religious authorities for a mere thirty pieces of silver. What Happened? Judas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, secretly approached the chief priests and offered to betray his teacher. They were delighted […]
Mark 14:3-9: A Story of Extravagant Love and Misplaced Priorities
In this passage, we are transported to Bethany, where Jesus is having dinner at the house of Simon the Leper. A woman enters with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume and pours it on Jesus’ head. This act triggers a range of reactions from those present. What Happened? The woman’s action was extravagant. The […]
Mark 14:1-2: The Plot Against Jesus
The Bible can sometimes feel like a dramatic story, full of twists and turns. In Mark 14:1-2, we find ourselves in a moment of tension and conspiracy. What’s Happening? The religious leaders, the chief priests and teachers of the law, are plotting to kill Jesus. This isn’t the first time they’ve opposed him, but now […]
Mark 13:32-37: The Call to Be Alert and Ready
This passage is part of Jesus’ teaching about the end times, a topic that can be both fascinating and a little scary. But don’t worry, the main message is one of hope and encouragement. What Did Jesus Say? Jesus starts by saying that no one knows the exact time when all these things will happen, […]