Ever feel like you’re constantly running, always busy, never really stopping? Hebrews 4:10 talks about a different kind of rest: “For the one who enters God’s rest has also rested from his works, just as God did from his own works.” This isn’t just about sleeping in on Sunday; it’s about finding a deeper kind […]
Warm Feet, Open Hearts: Reflecting on General Booth’s Wisdom for Evangelism
General William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army, famously said, “It is impossible to comfort men’s hearts with the love of God when their feet are perishing with cold.” This powerful statement speaks volumes about the practical and holistic nature of true evangelism. It highlights the crucial connection between meeting physical needs and opening […]
Finding Peace
Life can get pretty hectic sometimes, right? Exams, friends, family, social media… it can all feel a bit overwhelming. Sometimes, it’s hard to find a moment of calm. But there’s a verse in the Bible that always brings me peace: Philippians 4:7. It says, “And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard […]
Choosing Influences Wisely
Ever heard the saying “monkey see, monkey do” (see explanation below)? It’s true, isn’t it? We often pick up habits and behaviours from the people around us. That’s why it’s so important to choose our influences wisely. 3 John 1:11 puts it perfectly: “Dear friend, do not imitate what is bad but what is good. […]
Go! Make a Difference!
Ever feel like you’re just one person, and you can’t really make a difference in the world? Mark 16:15 has a powerful message: “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Jesus isn’t just talking to grown-ups here; this is a call to everyone who follows Him, […]
From Death to Life: A Done Deal
Ever feel like has ups, downs, twists, and turns… it can be a lot. But John 5:24 gives us some incredible news: “I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, but has crossed over from death […]
Turning the Other Cheek (and Praying!)
“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Luke 6:28. Okay, let’s be real – this is hard. When someone’s mean to you, your first instinct probably isn’t to send them blessings and prayers. It’s more like…well, you know. But Jesus’s words here are powerful. They challenge us to a different way […]
Grace Haiku
Free gift, undeserved,Love’s embrace, a gentle hand,New life starts anew.
Fighting Fire with… Kindness?
Ever been in a situation where someone was mean to you, and your first instinct was to snap back? It’s totally understandable! But Romans 12:21 flips the script: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” It’s saying, don’t let negativity win. Don’t let someone else’s bad behaviour drag you down to […]
Grace: Not Just a Free Pass, power to change
Ever heard someone say, “Christianity is all about rules”? Yeah, well, Titus 2:11-12 tells a different story. It says, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. It trains us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” Grace isn’t […]
Peter Haiku
Denied Three times he denied,Fear’s shadow hid his true heart,Cockerel’s cry, regret. Restored Love’s gaze, questions three,“Do you love me?” Peter’s tears,Forgiven, called forth.
John 15 Haiku
Vine and branches grow,Fruitful life in Jesus’ love,Abide and you’ll thrive.