Today, we’re looking at an interesting verse from the Bible. It’s Matthew 7:24, and it goes like this: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Now, what does that mean for us? It’s all about building a solid […]
Unforced Rhythms of Grace Part 3
The phrase “unforced rhythms of grace” is not found directly in the Bible, but it’s a beautiful translation from The Message version of Matthew 11:28-30. This phrase captures the essence of Jesus’ invitation to a life of rest and freedom in Him. Here’s what the “unforced rhythms of grace” might encompass: In essence, the unforced […]
Unforced Rhythms of Grace Part 2
Feeling weary? Overwhelmed? Exhausted by the demands of religion? Jesus offers a radical invitation: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. […]
Unforced Rhythms of Grace Part 1
Restoring the Sabbath: Finding Freedom in God’s Design Mark 2:27 NLT reminds us of a powerful truth: “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.” In our fast-paced, achievement-oriented culture, this verse serves as a gentle rebuke and a loving invitation to rediscover […]
Jesus is God and Man
John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, holds profound significance in revealing the dual nature of Jesus as both God and man: Jesus as Man: Jesus as God: Theological Significance: The verse encapsulates the central Christian belief in the Incarnation: God becoming fully human while remaining fully divine. Jesus’s tears serve as a bridge […]
What is Christian maturity?
Christian maturity is not about age or simply knowing a lot about the Bible. It’s a lifelong journey of growing closer to God and becoming more like Christ in our thoughts, actions, and relationships. It involves both spiritual and personal growth, and it’s something we continually strive for throughout our lives. Here are some key […]
Romans 4 Faith
The Example of Abraham: Faith as the Basis of Justification In Romans chapter 4, Paul delves deeper into the concept of justification by faith, using Abraham as the prime example to illustrate his point. This chapter is pivotal in understanding the relationship between faith, works, and God’s grace in the process of salvation. Abraham’s Faith, […]
Romans 3:9-31 – The need for Salvation
The Universal Need for Salvation In this passage, the Apostle Paul addresses a critical theological question: Are Jews better off than Gentiles when it comes to righteousness before God? He emphatically answers, “Not at all!” (v. 9). Paul’s argument in these verses is a powerful exposition of the universal human condition of sinfulness and the […]
Why was did Jesus seem to have a better time in Galilee
Jesus’s ministry found greater initial success in Galilee compared to Jerusalem due to several factors: While Jesus’s ministry faced greater opposition and ultimately led to his crucifixion in Jerusalem, his initial success in Galilee played a crucial role in laying the foundation for the early Christian movement. His Galilean followers became the core of the […]
Yes, a Christian can experience anger, but the key is how we handle it in light of Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 5:21-26. Understanding Anger: Jesus’ Teaching on Anger: Applying Jesus’ Teachings: Remember: Being a Christian doesn’t mean being immune to anger. It means recognising its potential dangers and choosing to handle it in a way […]
The Perfect Father: A Biblical Blueprint
The Bible provides a wealth of wisdom on fatherhood, painting a picture of a father who embodies the qualities of our Heavenly Father: While no earthly father is perfect, the Bible provides a blueprint for fatherhood that reflects the character of our Heavenly Father. By striving to embody these qualities, fathers can create a lasting […]
Acts 5:1-11 The Story of Ananias and Sapphira
A story that might seem a bit intense, but it’s packed with important lessons about honesty, integrity, and the consequences of our choices. In the early days of the church, people were selling their possessions and giving the money to help those in need. This was a beautiful example of generosity and community. But one […]