In this passage, Paul addresses the Galatians, who have been swayed by false teachers and are starting to doubt the core message of the gospel. He reminds them that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not through obeying the law. What Happened? Paul expresses his frustration with the Galatians for so quickly abandoning […]
Galatians 2:15-21: Living by Faith, Not by Rules
In this passage, Paul addresses a core issue in the early church: the relationship between faith in Jesus and following Jewish laws and customs. What’s Going On? Paul is arguing against the idea that someone needs to become Jewish (e.g., get circumcised, follow dietary laws) before they can become a Christian. He emphasises that salvation […]
Romans 5:1-11: The Fruits of Justification
Introduction Romans 5:1-11 is a pivotal passage in Paul’s letter to the Romans, where he elucidates the transformative effects of justification by faith. Having established the doctrine of justification in the preceding chapters, Paul now expounds on its glorious consequences for believers. This passage paints a vivid picture of the peace, hope, and joy that […]
Galatians 2:11-14: Standing Up for Truth
In this passage, Paul confronts Peter (also known as Cephas) about an issue that was causing division among the early Christians. What Happened? Peter had been eating with Gentile believers (non-Jews), embracing the freedom they had in Christ. However, when some Jewish believers came from Jerusalem, Peter started avoiding the Gentiles out of fear of […]
Galatians 2:1-10: Standing Firm for the Truth of the Gospel
In this passage, Paul recounts a pivotal moment in the early church’s history, a meeting in Jerusalem where the core message of the gospel was at stake. Let’s dive in and see what we can learn! What Happened? Fourteen years after his initial encounter with Jesus, Paul travelled to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus. His […]
Galatians 1:11-24: Paul’s Radical Transformation
In this passage, Paul passionately defends his authority as an apostle. He was not appointed by people but directly by God. This might sound like boasting, but Paul’s aim is to establish the truth of the Gospel he preaches. Paul’s Past Paul was once a fierce persecutor of Christians. He zealously upheld Jewish traditions and […]
Galatians 1:6-10: Standing Firm in the True Gospel
In this passage, the Apostle Paul expresses his astonishment and concern for the Galatian Christians. He confronts them for quickly abandoning the true gospel they had received for a distorted version. What Happened? Paul was surprised that the Galatians were so easily swayed from the gospel he had preached to them. Some people had come […]
Galatians 1:1-5: Paul’s Strong Start and Divine Calling
In the opening verses of his letter to the Galatians, Paul sets the stage for a powerful message about the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s break down these verses and explore their meaning for us today. What Paul Says Why is This Important? These verses are significant for several reasons: Questions for Reflection Challenge […]
3 John 1: A Letter of Love, Truth, and Encouragement
3 John is a short but powerful letter written by the apostle John, also known as “the Elder.” In it, he addresses Gaius, a beloved friend and fellow believer. While brief, this letter carries significant messages about love, truth, and hospitality, all of which are relevant to young people today. The Elder’s Love for Gaius […]
Jude 1: A Fiery Call to Defend the Faith
Jude’s letter, though short, packs a powerful punch for young Christians today. It’s a call to arms, a reminder that our faith isn’t just about warm feelings, but about standing firm on truth in a world that often distorts it. Who is Jude? Jude identifies himself as a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of […]
2 John: A Short but Powerful Message of Love and Truth
2 John is like a postcard from a loving grandpa (the Apostle John) to his church family. Even though it’s the second shortest book in the Bible, it packs a powerful punch with its message of love, truth, and watchfulness. Main Themes The Story John, the elder, writes to “the elect lady and her children.” […]
Mark 10:13-16: A Lesson in Humility and Openness
In this passage, we encounter Jesus interacting with children, a scene that might seem simple at first glance but holds deep spiritual truths. What Happened? Parents brought their little children to Jesus, hoping he would bless them. However, the disciples, perhaps thinking Jesus was too important for such matters, tried to send them away. Jesus […]