What’s the Idea? In a nutshell, Paul is saying that we should respect and obey the government. Whoa, hold on! Before you start listing all the reasons why that’s impossible, let’s dig a little deeper. Why Should We Respect the Government? But What If…? Okay, now for the tough questions. The Bottom Line Respecting authority […]
Mark 9:2-13: A Glimpse of Glory and a Lesson in Suffering
This passage describes the Transfiguration, a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry where his divine nature is revealed to a select group of disciples. What Happened? Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain where he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, and he appeared with Moses and Elijah, two key […]
Mark 9:1: A Promise of Transformation
This verse is a powerful statement from Jesus, filled with hope and anticipation: “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.” What Does This Mean? Jesus is promising his disciples that some of them will witness a significant […]
Mark 8:34-38: The Cost of Following Jesus
In this passage, Jesus lays out a challenging truth for those who want to be his disciples. He tells them it’s not about fame, fortune, or comfort. It’s about self-denial, sacrifice, and a willingness to lose everything for him. What did Jesus say? Jesus called the crowd together with his disciples and said, “Whoever wants […]
Mark 8:31-33: Facing the Unexpected Path
In this passage, Jesus drops a bombshell on his disciples. He tells them plainly that he will suffer greatly, be rejected by the religious leaders, be killed, and then rise again after three days. This isn’t the triumphant, glorious future they were expecting! What Happened? Peter, always the outspoken one, pulls Jesus aside and rebukes […]
Mark 8:27-30: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
This passage in Mark’s Gospel is a pivotal moment. Jesus and his disciples are on a journey, and he poses a crucial question: “Who do people say I am?” The disciples offer various answers, reflecting the differing opinions circulating at the time. But Jesus wants to know more than public opinion—he wants to know their […]
Mark 8:22-26: A Miracle in Two Stages
In this passage, we encounter Jesus performing a unique miracle. He heals a blind man, but not in the instant way we might expect. Instead, the healing occurs in two distinct stages. What Happened? People bring a blind man to Jesus in Bethsaida, begging him to touch the man. Jesus takes him outside the village, […]
Mark 8:14-21: Bread, Leaven, and Missing the Point
This passage in Mark is like a puzzle, a conversation where Jesus seems frustrated with his disciples’ lack of understanding. It can seem confusing, but it holds a vital lesson about truly seeing what God is doing. The Scene Jesus and his disciples are on a boat, and they’ve forgotten to bring bread. Only one […]
Galatians 6:11-18: A Message of Transformation and True Boasting
In this closing passage of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we find a powerful message about what truly matters in the Christian life. It’s a message of transformation, new creation, and the importance of focusing on the cross of Christ. What’s Happening? Paul begins this section by emphasising the significance of the cross. He sees […]
Galatians 6:1-10: Walking the Walk of Faith
In this passage, Paul offers practical advice to the Galatians, and by extension, to us, on how to live out our faith in tangible ways. Verse 1-2: Restoring the Fallen “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or […]
Galatians 5:13-26: A Guide to Freedom and Living by the Spirit
In this passage, the apostle Paul addresses a tension in the Christian life: How do we live in freedom without using that freedom as an excuse for self-indulgence? What’s the Big Idea? Paul emphasises that true freedom in Christ isn’t about doing whatever we want but about serving one another in love. This love is […]
Galatians 5:1-12: The True Freedom Found in Christ
In this passage, the apostle Paul passionately addresses the Galatians who were being tempted to turn away from the freedom they found in Jesus and return to following rules and regulations to earn their salvation. What’s the big deal? The Galatians were being influenced by people who insisted they needed to be circumcised, a Jewish […]