Just a quick reminder a labyrinth is a single, winding path leading to a centre, and then back out again. Unlike a maze, which has dead ends and multiple paths, a labyrinth is unicursal, meaning there’s only one way to go. It’s designed for walking meditation and reflection. Importance to the Farm and Young People’s […]
The Farm: A Journey of Growth
The Cornish air, thick with the scent of damp earth and distant sea salt, seems to hold the echoes of past endeavours here at the farm. For many young people, this place isn’t just fields and hedgerows; it’s a journey, a tangible story of transformation. For some, that journey began with the heft of timber […]
ADHD And Farm Stuff
Understanding and Patience Be patient and understanding, as individuals with ADHD may struggle with tasks that seem easy to others. Structure and Routine Provide clear, consistent routines and expectations and break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Positive Reinforcement Focus on strengths and provide positive feedback and celebrate small victories. Creating a Supportive Environment Minimise […]
Building a Labyrinth on the farm
So why a labyrinth on the farm? Labyrinths are about journeys and young people are on a journey. I’ll explore some of the roots of labyrinths and ways in which we can involve young people in the design and build. Origins of Labyrinths Labyrinths are ancient, with evidence of their existence dating back over 4,000 […]
Farm Update
On a sunny Saturday a quick walk through with another update. By the way, the toad is a new visitor to the farm living in our wildlife corridor.
Amanda’s Training is going well
Letter to the Par Garden Centre
Dear Par Garden Centre, My school and I wanted to express our sincere gratitude for the beautiful plants and excellent compost you supplied the farm with. Everything is thriving here on the farm, and we’re absolutely delighted with how well they’ve settled in. The bamboo is adding a lovely touch of greenery and movement to […]
Orchard Update
Feathers ruffled soft,Clucking tales of seeds and worms,Eggs warm in the nest.
Farm Update
Barberry (Berberis): A Prickly but Perfect Plant for Chickens and Gardens
Ever seen a shrub covered in small leaves and tiny thorns, sometimes with bright berries? That’s likely a barberry, or Berberis. While its thorns might seem off-putting, barberry is actually a fantastic plant to have around, especially if you keep chickens or love gardening. Why Chickens Benefit from Barberry Protection from Predators: Barberry’s dense, thorny […]
Bamboo: A Cool Plant for Chickens (and Your Garden!)
Ever seen those tall, swaying stalks of bamboo and wondered what they’re all about? Well, bamboo (especially the Phyllostachys variety) isn’t just cool to look at; it can be a super useful plant to have around, especially if you have chickens or a garden. Why Chickens Love Bamboo Shade and Shelter: Imagine being a chicken […]